Color of the Year 2014

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New Colors of the Year 2014!

Color is everywhere and we each have a unique lens that we see the colors of the world through. We think you have an expert eye for color and we want you to choose your Color of the Year 2014. You can name your own color of the year, vote for one of the colors below or browse the other top colors or new colors.

Color of the Year Archive: 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023


A dancing raspberry shade like a vibrant Zinnia

By anonymous Dec 30, 2014

Color of the Year?

People Think So


A deep, all-encompassing love. Being held. Enveloped.

By anonymous Dec 30, 2014

Color of the Year?

People Think So


Clear color for style your business from OnyxyMy.

 By mestikon Dec 27, 2014

Color of the Year?

Person Thinks So

Sea Glass

Worn by waves, tumbled by the sea--this year was a smooth frosty beach gem.

 By owlies Dec 24, 2014

Color of the Year?

People Think So

off pink

this shade of pink seems strange and off. its not a sad or happy color, just in between. it's light but still muted and dark, much like this year has been for me.

 By toyfoxy Dec 16, 2014

Color of the Year?

People Think So

Fired Irony

Deep, darkish, red with a cool tint. Politically, this year has been a nightmare. This color has some dark associations but is still light and beautiful enough to turn into something positive.

 By cassiopia26 Dec 14, 2014

Color of the Year?

People Think So

Thing with feathers

Hope is the thing with feathers...

 By ravennight Dec 12, 2014

Color of the Year?

People Think So


This is just "it". It expresses everything. All of it.

By anonymous Dec 8, 2014

Color of the Year?

People Think So

Serene Hope

The hope of serenity for days to come. Babbling water on a brook laid with stones. A gracious green. Soft, calm with an intrinsic tone of peacefulness.

 By ramcatluvr Dec 7, 2014

Color of the Year?

People Think So

Your Best Friend

It can turn into any color to make you happy, just as your best friend would.

By anonymous Nov 25, 2014

Color of the Year?

People Think So