Color of the Year 2011

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Top Colors of the Year 2011!

Color is everywhere and we each have a unique lens that we see the colors of the world through. We think you have an expert eye for color and we want you to choose your Color of the Year 2011. You can name your own color of the year, vote for one of the colors below or browse the other top colors or new colors.

Color of the Year Archive: 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023

sunny roads

simpatico. serendipity. soul-searching. stamina. sojourns. meet me.....

 By melissaliveslikethis Jan 7, 2011

Color of the Year?

People Think So


A muted mauve to symbolise gentle feelings that will improve the world

 By jannette Jan 9, 2011

Color of the Year?

People Think So

Take Action.

2011 is the year to take action, try new things, have fun, accomplish goals and conquer your fears!

 By leslie Jan 8, 2011

Color of the Year?

People Think So

Green Garden

Peoples doesn't care about nature. If You have heart press white text in green background. Thanks!

By anonymous Jan 11, 2011

Color of the Year?

People Think So

living by the sea

Calm and graceful, smooth and serene this is the shade of teal for a queen.

By anonymous Jan 1, 2011

Color of the Year?

People Think So

Don't Hate.

Don't hate. Don't hate your boss, your enemies, or even yourself. Don't hate. It will take a lot to achieve this, but it is simple.

 By splendidsplenda May 8, 2011

Color of the Year?

People Think So

Warming Up

Globally 2010 was a rough year, but for me personally it was a wonderful year. A growing year, and 2011 looks to be getting even better. I see it as a year where the sparks that were igniting in 2010…

 By COLOURlover Jan 7, 2011

Color of the Year?

People Think So

good morning

Dreams can be the sweetest things, but we've got to wake up before they turn to nightmares. Please open your eyes and face the sunshine, the rain, and everything that will surely come our way.

 By g l e e * Jan 13, 2011

Color of the Year?

People Think So

Up till dawn.

Because the party never really starts until after three in the morning.

 By followingwaves Feb 25, 2011

Color of the Year?

People Think So


This colour embodies warmth and connectedness. It is a colour of growth and harmony, a natural balance. Not hot, not cold. It is the colour I need in order to go off at tangents, to step outside o…

By anonymous Jan 1, 2011

Color of the Year?

People Think So