Color of the Year 2014

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Color is everywhere and we each have a unique lens that we see the colors of the world through. We think you have an expert eye for color and we want you to choose your Color of the Year 2014. You can name your own color of the year, vote for the color below or browse the other top colors or new colors.

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"What is most striking about it is the profound presence of the natural world: geography and geology, ecologies, flora and fauna, the seasons, weather, the night-sky, the stars and the Moon. The experience of these phenomena as comprising a living and meaningful cosmos saturates his entire story. It wouldn't be stretching a point to say that Middle-earth itself appears as a character in its own right. And the living personality and agency of this character are none the less for being non-human; in fact, that is just what allows for a sense of ancient myth, with its feeling of a time when the Earth itself was alive. It whispers: perhaps it could be again; perhaps, indeed, it still is."

Defending Middle-earth--Tolkien: Myth and Modernity by Patrick Curry

 By Laurelwen Jan 1, 2014